  1.  47
    Green's functions for off-shell electromagnetism and spacelike correlations.M. C. Land & L. P. Horwitz - 1991 - Foundations of Physics 21 (3):299-310.
    The requirement of gauge invariance for the Schwinger-DeWitt equations, interpreted as a manifestly covariant quantum theory for the evolution of a system in spacetime, implies the existence of a five-dimensional pre-Maxwell field on the manifold of spacetime and “proper time” τ. The Maxwell theory is contained in this theory; integration of the field equations over τ restores the Maxwell equations with the usual interpretation of the sources. Following Schwinger's techniques, we study the Green's functions for the five-dimensional hyperbolic field equations (...)
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  2.  99
    Particles and events in classical off-shell electrodynamics.M. C. Land - 1997 - Foundations of Physics 27 (1):19-41.
    Despite the many successes of the relativistic quantum theory developed by Horwitz et al., certain difficulties persist in the associated covariant classical mechanics. In this paper, we explore these difficulties through an examination of the classical. Coulomb problem in the framework of off-shell electrodynamics. As the local gauge theory of a covariant quantum mechanics with evolution paratmeter τ, off-shell electrodynamics constitutes a dynamical theory of ppacetime events, interacting through five τ-dependent pre-Maxwell potentials. We present a straightforward solution of the classical (...)
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  3.  91
    Pre-Maxwell Electrodynamics.M. C. Land - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (9):1479-1487.
    In the context of a covariant mechanics with Poincaré-invariant evolution parameter τ, Sa'ad, Horwitz, and Arshansky have argued that for the electromagnetic interaction to be well posed, the local gauge function of the field should include dependence on τ, as well as on the spacetime coordinates. This requirement of full gauge covariance leads to a theory of five τ-dependent gauge compensation fields, which differs in significant aspects from conventional electrodynamics, but whose zero modes coincide with the Maxwell theory. The pre-Maxwell (...)
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  4.  42
    The Covariant Stark Effect.M. C. Land & L. P. Horwitz - 2001 - Foundations of Physics 31 (6):967-991.
    This paper examines the Stark effect, as a first order perturbation of manifestly covariant hydrogen-like bound states. These bound states are solutions to a relativistic Schrödinger equation with invariant evolution parameter, and represent mass eigenstates whose eigenvalues correspond to the well-known energy spectrum of the nonrelativistic theory. In analogy to the nonrelativistic case, the off-diagonal perturbation leads to a lifting of the degeneracy in the mass spectrum. In the covariant case, not only do the spectral lines split, but they acquire (...)
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  5.  73
    Selection rules for dipole radiation from a relativistic bound state.M. C. Land, R. I. Arshansky & L. P. Horwitz - 1994 - Foundations of Physics 24 (4):563-578.
    Recently, in the framework of a relativistic quantum theory with invariant evolution parameter, solutions have been found for the two-body bound state, whose mass spectrum agrees with the nonrelativistic Schrödinger energy spectrum. In this paper, we study the radiative transitions of these states in the dipole approximation and find that the selection rules are identical with those of the usual nonrelativistic theory, expressed in a manifestly covariant form. In addition to the transverse and longitudinal polarizations of the nonrelativistic theory, we (...)
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  6.  35
    Pre-Maxwell Quantum Electrodynamics.M. C. Land - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (9):1499-1506.
    In the framework of off-shell quantum electrodynamics—the quantum field theory of a covariant symplectic mechanics, in which events evolve according to a Poincaré-invariant parameter τ—we study the low-energy scattering of identical scalar particles. It is shown that exchange of mass is permitted in the formalism, and we calculate scattering cross-sections for this case. In these cross-sections, the usual forward pole of the standard scalar QED splits into two poles and a zero, slightly offset from the forward direction. As mass exchange (...)
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  7. The Classical Coulomb Problem in Pre-Maxwell Electrodynamics.M. C. Land - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (9):1489-1497.
    We explore certain difficulties in the covariant classical mechanics associated with off-shell electrodynamics, through an examination of the classical Coulomb problem. We present a straightforward solution of the classical equations of motion for a test event traversing the field induced by a “fixed” event (an event moving uniformly along the time axis at a fixed point in space). This solution reveals the essential difficulties in the formalism at the classical level. We then offer a new model of the particle, as (...)
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